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Fly Tying eyes can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your
fly patterns and help create a more realistic appearance, making them more
effective at fooling fish. There is a range of sizes and colours of eyes
available to suit any pattern. Adding eyes also helps to create a more enticing
action to attract more fish.
Breaking Strain
Breaking Strength
Crystal Flash
Deer Hair Colour
Dubbing Needle Type
Fly Specks
Glo Brite Multi Yarn
Glo Brite Selection Size
Glo-Brite floss 25 yd
Groovy Blob
Half Saddle Colour
Holo Straggle Colour
Hook Type
Ice Dubbing Blends
Irish Blend Colour
Jungle Cock
Lead Free Wire Size
M/Class Fluoro
MasterClass Copolymer
Micro Pack Colour
Mixed Size Assortment
Peacock Dub Colour
Pearl Flat Braid
PHD Blend
Scud Back
Shimmer Flash
Slotted Tungsten Bead Size
Stonfo 634 Dubbing Clip Size
Stripped Quill Colour
Super Stretch Floss Cololur
Superfine Dubbing
Uni 2 Tone
Uni GloFloss
UTC 70 Colour
UTC Ultra 140 Colour
UV Black
UV Ginger
UV March Brown
UV Pale Olive
Veniards Feather Brooch Pin
Vicuna Dubbing Blends
Vicuna Irish Inspired Box
Vicuna Standard Dubbing
W/Class FC 50m
Whip Finish Tool
Worldclass v2 100m
X-Select Type

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Adding eyes to flies can be a great idea!
Increased Realism: Eyes help replicate the appearance of natural prey, such as fish, insects, or crustaceans, making the fly more lifelike. This added realism can trigger a trout’s predatory instincts, especially in clear water where they might scrutinize their prey closely.
Attraction to Fish: Bright, contrasting eyes can attract fish from a distance, drawing them towards the fly. The movement and flash of the eyes in the water can help to catch the attention of fish, especially in low-light conditions or murky waters.
Improved Fly Action: Eyes can affect the way the fly moves through the water. Heavier eyes can help the fly sink faster or ride in the water column at a particular depth. This can be useful for mimicking the behavior of certain prey, such as nymphs or minnows.
Mimics Predator Prey: Adding eyes makes the fly appear as though it is an animal that a fish might consider prey, like an injured or vulnerable creature. This can make fish more likely to strike.